Thursday, November 14, 2013

I Adopted a Dragon Today

Today started as a normal day for me.  I woke up, I talked to my cats Teddy and Rascal, and I got ready for work.  It was a warm sunny day that makes you smile more and want to go to the beach.  
I was finishing up a final errand and looking forward to going home. Like I said, a normal day.

Until this . . . 

There was a dragon on my car!  Was I afraid? No, not really but I absolutely was surprised!  
I figured out a few things very quickly.

1. It could fly because how else could it have gotten onto my side view mirror?
2. It was friendly because it never spit any fire at me.
3. My car needed a bath.

I picked the little critter up . . . carefully.  Kind of warm to the touch!  I placed it in the car on the passenger seat and reached for my seat belt.

I turned around and this is what I saw.

Now, I am fairly sure there has never been a dragon who passed their driver's test. They can fly, remember?  So, I knew my little dragon's plan to take the wheel was not going to happen.

I, once again picked up my passenger and put it in the right place and made sure to put the seat belt on this time!

I cannot believe I adopted a dragon today! What will the cats think?

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