Thursday, February 6, 2014

Bon Voyage Tully!

Sir Tully Tinder is SO excited today!
He is going on a vacation! I don't get to go but it is very fun to help him get ready for his big trip.  My little dragon has never traveled without me or Teddy and Rascal before unless you count his trip from his cloud to my car.

Dragons do not usually have a suitcase but I want Tully to have all the comforts of home with him.  I am a Mom and once you have spent any time doing that Best Job Ever you can't let it go.

I let him choose whatever he wanted to use and he chose this coin purse from my Great Aunt.  He liked the tiger on it.  I love this little purse because it is pretty and sentimental to me. I know he will take good care of it. He is such a nice little dragon.

It is the perfect size for his glasses! This way he can read on the airplane.  That's right he gets to go on a plane! I need to make sure he has a good book.  

I am looking forward to hearing about and seeing pictures from his travels.  What will Teddy and Rascal do without their little buddy? What will I do? He makes me smile and the cats always play with him.  But being able to travel anywhere - 2 blocks or 2000 miles from home is a treat and an amazing chance to explore the world and meet interesting people.  Tully is off on a great first adventure.

 Found on Pinterest

Bon Voyage!

Adveture Scout Tully and Friends

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