Thursday, January 23, 2014

A Dragon Yarn

Sir Tully loved painting so much he has decided to learn more crafts.

I gave him several other options; sewing, scrap booking, making bracelets. He picked crochet. I would never have thought that would be it. I thought his claws would get in the way but he loves it!

I keep a bag of yarn near my couch so my hobby is always close by.  I let my little dragon choose some colorful yarn to work with.

He loved the blue and then Tully began to "explore his space" with his new ball of yarn.  I let him play for a while as I had some work to do myself.  I assumed he would stay on the nice green carpet.

 But, as he is a playful fellow he could not resist waking Teddy up from his Cat Nap to have some fun.
Teddy was not thrilled but he settled in and they had a good time.

 I was able to get this picture right before it became a yarn nightmare.

I am not sure Sir Tully will be great at crocheting but he certainly is happy to be trying something new. That is really the point though, isn't it? To try new things every now and then.

You can put yarn on almost anything! There are creative people out there who add yarn to objects already outside.

Sir Tully Tinder says, "GO MAKE SOMETHING! Then, play with the cat :)"

Tully, Teddy and Rascal

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